Blue Flower

George Garrett bapt 27/3/1831 in Pentney.

George Garrett was baptised on 27/3/1831 in Pentney, son of Robert who was a Farm Labourer born in Hilgay, and Sarah born Holme Hale. George’s Father Robert dies in 1863 aged 79 in Pentney.

In 1841 George's parents lived in Doles Cottage, Pentney, but George age 10 and brother Robert, 19 are both on census records living and working on a farm in Pentney as agricultural labourers.

10 years later George is living at Doles cottage with his parents, but on census records no occupation is listed. Also living there is a lodger, John who was a Shepherd, born in Pentney. Living in the previous property on the census list is James Waters, Bone Boiler, living at Doles End Green, presumably next door. 

On 29 July 1854 George aged 23 married Catherine Holland aged 19 at West Bilney where Catherine was from, on their marriage certificate they were living at West Bilney, George was a labourer.

In 1861 they live in Crisps Cottages, Pentney with daughter Ann Maria age 3 and Sarah Elizabeth aged 1, both born in Pentney. George now works as an Agricultural Labourer.

10 years on in 1871 George age 39 is living in Crisps Building, Pentney with wife Catherine and 5 children. George is now working as a bone boiler, presumably at the bone mill. Daughter Ann Maria is living and working aged 13 as a general servant for a Draper and Grocer in Pentney.

The map below shows that Crisps Cottages, off Low Road (pictures below) is only two fields from the bone mill, so George probably walked to work over the fields.

In 1881 George is back working as an agricultural labourer. The couple now have 2 more children and are living in Hastings Cottages, Pentney.

Daughter Sarah Elizabeth, known as Elizabeth, is listed as a Cook/domestic servant, but unemployed at that time. Son Walter aged 18, John 16, and daughter Mary aged 13 are all listed as agricultural labourers.

George dies in 1883 aged 52, buried at St Mary Magdelaine Church, Pentney, see picture of gravestone which is just inside the Churchyard on the left. George's death certificate states that an inquest was held and he was working as a sawyer, see death certificate and transcript. A newspaper report gives details of what happened at his death, see image of article.

His widow Catherine remarried in 1893 to Robert English, a Groom born in Boughton. They lived in Tilney All Saints in 1901 and she passed away in 1923 aged 87.

Bone Mill Employees        Bone Grinding & Boiling

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