Blue Flower

We are recruiting new volunteers to help us look after the mill, so if you would enjoy light, relaxing work in a beautiful tranquil setting with an amazing history, a good selection of wildlife and the opportunity to meet visitors, please contact us. 

We usually meet on Thursdays at 10am in The Maltings, Main Road, Narborough, Norfolk PE32 1TE (opposite the old petrol station). We often have weekend work parties as well which gives working people the chance to join us. Contact Us if you would like to be informed about weekend work parties.

You can also walk along the Nar Valley Way footpath from River Close towards Kings Lynn on Thursdays and cross the river using our swing bridge to join us any time between 10:30 and 14:00 (although we may not always be there in winter or bad weather, please contact us to arrange to meet).

We are a friendly bunch with a sense of humour and we welcome visitors and new volunteers. See the pictures below to get an idea of what you could get involved with, also see our volunteer blogs. It's not all work, we drink lots of tea and coffee, and recently we have been treated to several home made cakes.

Volunteers can also help with setting up and preparing for open days when we have the chance to see the water wheel turning and talk to lots of visitors and show them around the site. We have tea and Coffee making facilities, a good supply of biscuits and there is a toilet on site. We welcome visitors and volunteers with dogs.

Graham Bartlett                        Contact Us              Interactive Plan               Latest Blogs           Site Activity 

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