Blue Flower

William, Thomas & James Coates

It was on 4th October 1862 that William Coates met his demise at the Maltings complex in Narborough. The Bone mill and the Maltings were owned by the Marriotts and William and his brothers Thomas and James all worked for them at the Maltings in Narborough. William, who had worked for the Marriott brothers for many years had been working as a porter and was coupling up loaded wagons – one being stationery and one moving.  According to reports William was caught between the buffers and couldn’t get out of the way in time and his chest was crushed and sadly he died shortly afterwards aged 54. 

The Coates brothers were from Pentney, the sons of John and Mary (nee Valentine) who had married in Pentney in 1802. William was born in 1808, Thomas in 1811 and James in 1815 and they can all be found on various census records living in Narborough and close by to each other.

William had married Charlotte Ollett in 1838 and in 1861 they can be found in Narborough along with their children Emma, Robert, Elizabeth and Amelia. Next door is William’s brother James, who was a corn porter at this time, living with his wife Maria (nee Drew) and their children.

Thomas and his wife Phoebe and children are living just along from the Ship Inn in 1861. Thomas had married Phoebe Palmer on 7th November 1841 in Pentney. 

In 1871, nine years after their brother’s tragic death, brothers James and Thomas and their families are living close by to each other in Narborough and by 1881, both families are living on the Lynn Road in Marriotts Cottages, both men working at the Maltings. 

In 1891 Thomas can be found with Phoebe still living on the Lynn Road but is now listed as working as a Manure Labourer at the Bone Mill. By this time Thomas would have been 79 years old. The census record has him as being 78 but he was baptised in March 1811 so would have been 79. It is four years later, in November 1895 that Thomas dies and is buried in Narborough churchyard.

His brother James in 1891 is still working at the Maltings as a porter but by 1901, aged 86 is living at The Meadows in Narborough and is on poor relief. James passes away in 1906 age 90 and is buried in Narborough Churchyard.

There is another baptism for a son Robert born to a John and Mary Coates in 1818 but no census records for a Robert are to be found in Narborough or surrounding area. There is a death of a Robert Coates in 1838 in the district which may be him.

Bone Mill Employees        Bone Grinding & Boiling        The Maltings

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  • 10c1861ThomasCoates
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