Friday 17/2/23 Eddie and I couldn’t make Thursday, so we had a Friday work party. Ryan joined us as it was half term, he fitted a max/min thermometer in the greenhouse then fixed a loose corner of the greenhouse panel to the frame.
We noticed the bat box near the wagon was loose and swinging about in the wind so Ryan and I got the ladder, he tightened the screw holding the bat box to the tree and fitted another screw at the bottom to keep it in place.
The main job today was taking all the wood out of the shed loft and sorting it into different types, as it was all mixed up. We put it back with similar types together so it will be easier to find what we need when we make and repair things. Offcuts and rotten wood were put in the logstore for fuel on the woodburner.
When the shed was built we fitted a bird nest box inside against a hole in the shed wall for birds to get into it, as we couldn't get a ladder to the outside wall to fit it, due to the sloping bank of the stream next to the shed. Birds had not used the nest box, so while the wood was out of the loft I removed the box, as we think birds are more likely to use it in a tree. I covered the hole in the wall with a piece of wood.
Ryan brought a sausage roll again and heated it in the oven above the fire. After lunch we went across our bridge and found a suitable tree for the bird box which we’ll fit next time. I saw something red at the bottom of the river bank on our side which we investigated when we got back, Ryan went down the bank and found it was a rake, which he pulled out of the river and cleaned. Eddie brought the chisels, axes and loppers back today which he sharpened at home, he and Ryan tested the loppers by cutting brambles.
Eddie found a large piece of thick coated glass at the top of the track, this was put on display in the visitor centre, its from a sulphuric acid bottle which was used in making fertilizer. Eddie also spotted a Red Kite in the field behind the mill. Ryan found the missing nut and bolt from the leg bracket on the bridge, so he will take the bracket home to weld the nut back on.
The last job was taking logs to the wagon as we have used a lot recently, some were from bags that had been left outside, they were put beside the fire to dry out.
Thursday 23/2/23 On our way to the mill we stopped to empty sacks of soil which Eddie brought to fill deep holes in the track. We saw a pair of Egyptian Geese in the field behind the mill again.
I checked the minimum and maximum temperatures in the greenhouse, there have been no frosts, so we can start using the greenhouse soon. Due to the reported shortages, we discussed growing Tomatoes!
Eddie brought new clips for the workmate legs which we fitted, Eddie then used the workmate to hold the wood I brought today to remove old nails and screws, the wood is for making a sawing horse for cutting logs. I drilled and bolted the wooden supports and screwed planks to each side so the sawing horse folds up for storage, then drilled holes and put rope through to keep the legs in position. I tested it by cutting a small branch.
I used the water butt and 12 Volt pump to fill the water tank in the Visitor Centre loft, the tank feeds the toilet flush. When the tank is full, water runs out of the overflow onto the roof and we disconnect the pump, not a drop is wasted as it flows straight back into the water butt. We filled the bird feeders and noticed they had eaten the fat from the Coconut which Beryl gave us.
We took the ladder to the bridge with the nest box which we removed from the shed to fit in a tree on the opposite bank, but Eddie noticed a Sheep in the field next to the mill with its head stuck in the fence, so we went back to get wire cutters and I cut the fence enough to free the Sheep and it ran off to join the others.
From the other side of the river we got a good view of the Snowdrops in flower on our bank. I fitted the bird nest box in a tree, then straightened the other Bat box in the tree nearby and fitted an extra screw at the bottom to keep it straight. Back at the mill, before we put the ladder away I took the front off and cleaned out the other nest box near the railway wagon which Great Tits used so its ready for next season. We always make sure wildlife boxes are empty before working on them, the Great Tit box has a camera which makes it easy to check.
A few weeks ago we started moving the packs of sticks which contractors left on the wildflower area, but we recently spoke to Paul from the Fishing Club who told us they will be taking and using them at the end of March, so that saves us having to move any more.
My last job was putting labels on the Perspex panel over the brick floor, as a child had walked on it, but the panel survived. On our way back along the riverside track we saw a Kestrel in a tree, we recently put a Kestrel nest box along the river bank so its good to see them nearby.
Graham Bartlett
Interactive Plan Activity Green Grant Wildflower Meadow Volunteer Previous Next
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