Blue Flower

Links to main activities at the bone mill since work started        Latest

26/1/15 Article in EDP about HLF grant to restore bone mill

26/3/15 First volunteer work party

30/4/15 Dennis discovered elevator

8/6/15 Brickwork contractors started this week

10/6/15 Schedule of day school workshops announced

27/6/15 Skull found, two new steel sections fitted to water wheel

8/7/15 Water wheel turned with chains by steelwork contractors

26/7/15 Bone mill stand at Narborough Fair

30/8/15 Riverside wall rebuilt

10/9/15 First HOD visits, last sections of steel fitted on wheel

18/9/15 Fertilizer report from NRM labs from powder sample

26/9/15 EDP article about bone mill HLF grant

3/10/15 Water Wheel turned by raising river level

29/10/15 Tesco staff first day of helping, covering site for winter

14/11/15 Gate frame taken to site and fitted

21/11/15 BBQ and finishing gate frame, Gator truck bought

24/11/15 Lynn News article about Adam Taylor

26/11/15 Site covered with Geotex fabric for winter

10/12/15 Clearing out railway wagon for visitor centre

12/12/15 Railway wagon moved to Maltings for refurbishment

16/12/15 Scaffolding removed from around water wheel

7/1/16 Dennis stripped & refurbished elevator over Christmas 

12/2/16 Radio carbon dating results show age of skull

13/3/16 Norfolk & Friends Photographic Group visit

19/3/16 Culvert uncovered

26/3/16 Railway Wagon taken to mill

2/4/16 Fred rebuilt end wall 

21/4/16 Two Historic photos show chimney, covered brick floors with soil and grass seed

23/4/16 Wagon opening ceremony BBQ, Grindstones put beside river, elevator, table & bridge fitted

25/4/16 Lynn News article about Wagon Opening

30/4/16 EDP article about skull & railway wagon

5/5/16 Dennis made skull display box

2/7/16 Rebuilding bypass channel walls

14/11/16 Skull Isotope analysis results back

26/1/17 Pumped out cistern and took photos inside

2/3/17 Upstream floor now fully uncovered

21/4/17 Breckland society visit, aerial views taken with drone

27/4/17 Tony Mugridge reported on our historic bricks

1/5/17 Docking History Society Fair display

15/6/17 Experiment turning wheel with pump

17/6/17 BBQ Great Get Together, canoe races

22/6/17 Curved pit in machinery area discovered 

3/8/17 Frank cleaned mitre gates staunch floor in river

17/8/17 to 31/8/17 Water feed pipe installed for turning the water wheel

9/9/17 Water wheel first turned with pump at Heritage Open Days

5/10/17 Wall built to hide water feed pipe, trench wall on river side bricked up 

19/10/17 Soil filled in over water pipe, upper staunch cleaned to expose lock stones

16/11/17 Site covered, glass viewing panel fitted, soil behind wall, tunnel near blacksmiths uncovered, trench wall finished

30/11/17 Tesco Bags of Help have awarded us £4,000 to build visitor centre

7/4/18 Little Mill visitor centre started, Suffolk Norfolk Life article

14/4/18 Model of bone mill made by David Turner

28/4/18 Little Mill visitor centre moved to site

20/9/18 Saladin box from maltings put outside mill, new footpath sign made

18/4/19 Viewing walkway taken to site and assembled

6/5/19 Feature explanation boards made by Dennis

23/5/19 Donation box made by Graham, Lynn News article about mills weekend

19/9/20 Socially Distanced Heritage Open Days held to comply with Covid regulations

8/02/21 First pictures taken of bone mill in the snow

12/6/21 Bone mill had a stall at Narborough Community Centre Open Day

20/8/21 NCF Grant obtained for Wildflower Meadow

19/11/21 Breckland Green Community Grant received

1/1/22  Historic 1917 picture of Airmen swimming in river from lock 

21/4/22 New Shed taken to site and assembled

14/5/22 Nest box cameras show activity

11/6/22 Start of earthworks for wildflower meadow

25/6/22 Earthworks completed for wildflower meadow

3/9/22 Upstream Brick Floor covered with soil for Cornfield Flower area

1/10/22 Wildflower Meadow seed sown 

23/10/22 Shipping Container removed from site

2/11/22 Solar Panels fitted to visitor centre

22/12/22 Green Grant Completed, Barn Owl seen in next field

2/1/23   Riverside Wall Collapsed

12/1/23 Started making small Greenhouse

20/5/23 Wildflower meadow starts to flower

1/6/23   Blacksmith's area covered over

10/6/23 Fallen wall debris cleared from river

16/7/23 Bone mill had a stand at Narborough Fair

21/9/23 Hay Cut and Re-Seeding of Wildflower Meadow

4/1/24   River floods track and brick floor

9/5/24  Bone mill volunteers awarded Unsung Hero certificates


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