There were 4 volunteers today and as it was snowing in the morning we found some indoor jobs to do at The Maltings. There were some pulleys, a shaft and brackets in the workshop from The Maltings. These will be used to make a table and seat (with one of the old / spare water wheel paddles used as the main part), so they were rubbed down with wire brushes ready for painting. The name R Boby of Bury St Edmunds is cast into the brackets, they are a well known manufacturer of farming and malting machinery and there is plenty of information about them on the web.
Eddie visited us with his new young Boxer dog, Tate and we look forward to him coming to the mill with us at working parties, we always welcome walkers and their dogs at the mill.
Later two of us went to the heritage center to finish logging the books in the East Anglian section, this was completed and we added the book on Mammoths to the list, which is part of the Ice Age section containing Mammoth and Woolly Rhino bones, tusks and teeth which were found in Pentney. Then we started logging the tools along the wall, most of which are on loan to the museum from Ozzie including a coal shovel and coal hammer for use on a traction engine, and a rake he made from hedgerow wood. There is also a hand cultivator, small cart wheels, and a dust gun with attachments for spraying crops. David gave me a data file of ice age exhibits which I have now merged into our main exhibits spreadsheet, so all museum records are now on one database.
After lunch at The Maltings in the warmth of the workshop, we went out and looked at the wagon which now has the doors painted all over and fitted. The ends of the roof have been sealed where water was getting in, and the bottom of the side panels has also been sealed with mastic. The elevator was briefly stored in the wagon and we had a look at it, now its painted it looks really good, the Ewart Chain lettering on the sprocket has been picked out and the colour combination goes well. Turning the sprocket wheel feels as if the elevator has been brought back to life. Also in the wagon is a window unit which we may fit into the wagon sides. A new set of door locks has been made and painted in the workshop ready for fitting to the wagon doors, a job for next time.
In the afternoon the pulleys, shaft and brackets were painted with red oxide which was our final job of the day, these are for the bench seat we are making. Beryl brought us all tea and biscuits so we had a break and discussed various things including trying to encourage previous volunteers back again, and the school drawing of the bone mill competition, won by Billy who said his favourite fact was that the building was 3 storeys high. Dennis and Adam cycled to the mill recently to look at some twisted metal which Adam found and to secure the sheet coverings protecting the site from frost. Dennis said the track was very slippery, we all agreed we are looking forward to working at the mill again as soon as possible.
Graham Bartlett Interactive Plan Volunteer Previous Next
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